Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When it doesn't happen effortlessly....

A  client just wrote me the sweetest note, as we kept missing and rescheduling appointments - 
I am so sorry - now I can't make it tonight at 8:30.  I know I want a reading - why is the universe trying to stop me??  Any chance you are still free tomorrow at 8:30?  

And I sent this reply - We are definitely on for tomorrow.  I will explain what the universe was up to!
It just so happens I’ve been fluey all week, and gradually getting better.   The universe was making sure I was up to par, and so our meetings never quite worked out.  
Sometimes you are all ready and raring to go, but the other person still needs to work on themselves (or get better!) and the connections/meetings don’t happen.  Don’t always blame yourself, you may well be ready, but they are not…

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